Pindorama Apps Apps

Perfect Personal - Body fat calculator, workout 4.5
Pindorama Apps
NEW - Clients App - You can now share all evaluations, workoutsandevolution charts with your student. When you update your App,thedata is automatically sent to the Clients App and he has alltheinformation in your hand in its own App! Perfect Personal isacomplete tool for the modern Personal Trainer, with thisApp,you'll be able to manage clients, build workout plans, performbodyfat evaluations, and various performance reports in chartformat.Read the full description: (1) Client registration Recordandmanage your clients quickly. Add profile photos. Keep theactiveclient list always currently, and you also may activateorinactivate clients by visualizing active clients on the top ofthelist. (2) Body fat calculator with caliper: Physical evaluationstocalculate the body fat percentage, lean mass, fat mass andBMIbeing able to use up to 8 different protocols ofskinfolds:Parrillo, Yuhasz, Jackson Pollock 7, Jackson Pollock 4,JacksonPollock 3, Durnin Womersley, Petrosky and Sloan. Add clientsphotosfrom the front, back and profile for future comparisons inorder tohave a better visualization of the results. This is themostcomplete fat percentage calculator for app stores, the onlyonethat automatically calculates the results of other protocols,incase the measurements of the skinfolds are the same. Forexample:For men, using the Jackson Pollock 7 protocol for anevaluation,the results of the Jackson Pollock 4, Jackson Pollock 3and Sloanprotocols are shown simultaneously (see screenshot 3).Perform fulland rapid evaluations. There are eight evaluationprotocolsavailable: from Parillo (9-skinfolds) to Sloan (only2-skinfolds).(3) Bioimpedance Add bioimpedance evaluations data incase you havea device that uses bio impedance in order to calculatethepercentage of fat and other results. (4) Perimetry andWaist-hipratio Record your clients perimeter measurements to assesstheirprogress and validate their results. Get the result ofthewaist-hip ratio in each new perimetry. (5) Workout ProgramsBuildcomplete workouts using the Model Trainings feature combinedwithClients workout programs. Choose the training objectives andstartimmediately registering exercises: Simple series, Bi-sets,Tri-setsor Giant sets. Choose the execution method (Normal,Pyramid,Drop-set, Rest pause, Eccentric, warming up) of the seriesand alsothe quantity with respective loads of weights, repetitionsandinterval time. Build personalized and valid training programwithdeadlines for each client. You’ll be able to choosepre-registeredtraining (models) as a base or to develop newspecific training.(6) Anamnesis Create new anamnesis for yourclients using the Par-Qform or build your own models. (7) ClientGoals Save in theclient's profile their workout goals. (8) Healthinformation Keepan updated history of the client health informationby recordingthem by categories. (9) Evolution graphs andphotographic reportsVisualize the client's progress in a chartformat and individuallyisolate each variable from the evaluationsor perimeters:Evaluation results (Body fat percentage, weight, leanmass, fatmass, BMI). Bioimpedance results (Body fat percentage,weight, leanmass, fat mass, visceral fat). Photos report enablingvisualizationof the analysis of side-by-side photos from the front,profile, andback. Perimetry: Waist-hip ratio and all measurementsindividually.(10) Quick evaluation You will be able to quicklycarry out bodyfat percentage evaluations without the need ofenrolling theclient, ideal for personal trainers of gyms whoperform manyassessments per week for sporadic clients. (11)Settings Measureusing your preferred units of measurement andweight: kilogram andcentimeter or pound and inch. Choose yourpreferred date format.(12) Backup on Cloud Work safely, PerfectPersonal saves allapplication data to the cloud preventing dataloss.